How much do you spend on communication for your fire alarm?
The national average is $50 per month for a commercial fire alarm monitoring contract. Don’t forget the extra expense of the dedicated analog phone lines which average $45 per month each. Some alarms do share the secondary line with fax machines, DSL, etc; while others have both lines dedicated only to the alarm. This brings the total as high as $140 per month, or $1,680 per year!
How would you like to reduce that cost tremendously, while improving survivability, response time and reliability?
Gray Security Services can help you reduce that cost by as much as 67.77%, bringing your bill as low as $45 per month, or $540 per year.
The future of alarm communication is here and it is better, faster and cheaper than ever before!
Introducing the Dual Path Communicator:
A module that plugs into your alarm panel, eliminating the need for the existing analog phone lines — thus, upgrading your means of communication into the digital realm, utilizing IP and GSM networks.
Cut the cord on your analog lines today!
Internet and Digital Radio Networks offer faster transmission of alarm signals. Many local Fire Marshals prefer digital communication methods over analog for improving their response times, efficiency and survivability.
Further Information
Future-proof your critical infrastructure! Call Gray Security Services at 919-832-2748 or email us today to discuss the best option for your needs.