Gone are the days of squinting at grainy, almost impossible to decipher security camera videos. IP security camera systems from Gray Security Services, featuring affordable state-of-the-art megapixel and HDTV cameras, offer high-quality video, lower total cost of ownership and advanced features to enhance your facilities surveillance.
An IP network security camera system:
- Works with your existing analog security cameras. Upgrade to an IP network system without losing your investment in your existing security cameras.
- Produces superior quality surveillance videos. With new megapixel or HD security cameras, you will enjoy wider viewing fields, greater resolution and clearer pictures.

- Offers exceptional flexibility and expansion potential. It’s quick and relatively easy to move cameras or add more observation points.
- Can utilize your existing LAN, to minimize the need for new cable runs.
- Can work wirelessly. Ideal for older or historic buildings where opening the walls or ceilings to run cables is undesirable, or remote camera installation sites where cabling is impractical.

- Provides greater security on the back end. Require passwords to view video and encrypt video transmissions to eliminate tampering with security video archives.
- Allows remote video monitoring over the Internet, from where ever you are. See for yourself what’s going on at your facility in real time, day or night.

We can design and install a security camera system to meet even the most demanding applications. Contact us today for more information about CCTV systems, including IP security camera systems, and our full line of custom solutions to secure and protect your property.